Rhino Trapezoid Single Star Segment is designed for NewGrind concrete floor grinding system. Also can be made single, double, triple, even more different shapes segments numbers on the Newgrind trapezoid grinding matrix.
150mm PCD Grinding Cup Wheels are designed to remove coatings over troweled concrete surface and will not damage the concrete floor for Hilti Hand Grinders. The metal bond diamonds arrows segments acts as a stabilizer, depth guide and reduce the gauging of the floor caused by the aggressive PCD segmets and also can protect the PCD Scrapers. Ideal for paint, glue, mastic and epoxy coatings removal.
Tungsten Caride Scrapers Cutters is used for thick and heavy adhesive removal. Adhesives don't offer resitance to regular diamond tools. The adhesive can heat up during the process and smear on the floor and on the diamond tools. The carbide tools can be run wet and dry and also very economical for rapid removal black mastic, green, blue and white carpet and also tile adhesive are glld candidates for choosing the tool
Mosdan 3 Steps Polishing Pads are designed for floor polishing machines to polish or restore or maintain for the floor of Concrete, Terrazzo, Marble, Granite and Limestone. They are backed with veclro, can be mounted on a rigid backer pad to fit on any floor machine.
4'' Bevel Cup Grinding Wheels are designed to provide the operator with fast production rate, super aggressive and long life. The segment is slanted at an angle away from the cup wheel core. Bevel shaped segments will be longer life.
6'' Hilti Cup Grinding Wheels are designed to provide the operator with fast production rate, super aggressive and long life. The segment is slanted at an angle away from the cup wheel core. Turbo shaped segments pierce ligh coatings and minimizes guming up of segments.
Velcro Electroplated Diamond Polishing Pads are designed for corner edge grinding. It is more super aggressive and sharp and higher work efficiency than resins. Widely use for concrete, terrazzo, marble, granite , glass etc contruction materials.
Mosdan 2'' Mini Dry Resin Bond Polishing Pads are compatible for Angle Grinders for Concrete, Marble, Granite, Quartz Polishing. Velcro backing flexible polishing pads with premium quality and durable life are working efficency and shine surface finished.
Trapezoid Diamond Grinding Shoe with 3x9mmThread holes are suitable for ASL, Xingyi, Iron Horse, Wolfpack etc various concrete floor grinding system. Removal of glues, thinsets, water proofing membranes, epoxy, floats and patches without the underlying substrate.
Trapezoid Bolt On Diamond Grinding Shoe with 3xM6 Thread holes are suitable for CPS, XPS, Sase etc various concrete floor grinding system. Removal of glues, thinsets, water proofing membranes, epoxy, floats and patches without the underlying substrate.
Redi Lock Double Segment Diamonds Grinding Shoe are compatible for Redi Lock floor grinding systems for concrete grinding and polishing and also for terrazzo floor.
Lavina Diamond Grinding Shoe with Double XY Buttons designed to provide effcient and precise Concrete, Terrazzo , Stone Floor grinding and polishing. It can be suitable for Lavina and Onfloor machine and super aggressive and durable life work performance.